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Writer's pictureReHope Coach Williams

5 Ways to Find the Right Husband -Wedding Season

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

The weather is changing, well at least attempting to. Days are getting a bit longer; the sun is shining brighter, and you can hear the birds chirping louder. One other thing that is apparent is that you have a list of wedding showers and weddings to attend in the next few months. Yes, it is that season again, wedding season.

Are you the person that loves this season or have you come to the point where you are happy for the couple but enough is enough? Those thoughts arise because of that quiet voice inside (that is actually yelling), "when is it going to be my turn"? You are at an age where you would like to settle down and marriage is something that you always desired, but with the right person of course. At this time, you are the farthest from it, in fact, you had to opt out of bringing a guest, or you're going casually with a friend. Your biggest fear is who are they going to seat you with, a table full of couples or singles?

All this time you have been searching for the right answer how do you pick this person, where do you go to meet them, which online dating site, which party to attend, etc.? You are wondering what will you need to do to improve yourself, do you need to lose weight, do you need to gain weight, should you put on some make-up to go to the market, or is it the fact that you may have on too much make-up for their liking? The bottom line, you are wondering what is it that you need to fix or what's wrong with your eyes because you can't find them.

Find yourself before you anything else

You cannot bring anyone else into this thing unless you have done some internal work. Notice, external has not been mentioned. We attract what we feel and think. You will receive what you think about the most. How do you feel about yourself at this moment in time, are you confident, do you know what you deserve? Did you just get out of a relationship, and you are trying to get under a new one, trying to get over the old one? You must improve your view of yourself this will take some healing of old wounds, resolving feelings, and emotions.

Sit back and wait

Don't feel like you have to find your husband, husbands find their wives. This is where we can go completely wrong. When you chase, you may get more than you can handle. A man will pursue what he wants, let him. It is up to you to decide whether he meets your criteria.

Be clear, set standards

If you know you want dinner and a movie, don't settle for Netflix & Chill. How you start is how you finish. You set the tone in the beginning. If you want to talk on the phone instead of facetime and texting all the time, request to do so. Don't back down and don't be afraid. If you would like to have the door opened and split the check or pay for the check sometimes speak up about those things too. Already have in your mind the husband that you want and date with intentions.

Manifest it, put it into the atmosphere

If you know you wish to be married and stop attending weddings single all the time, claim it! If you know the type of husband, you want, claim him too. Write it down, make it plain. Look at it on a wall or board every day. Recite it, put it into the atmosphere so you can attract it with your thoughts. Remember you are what you think.

Believe that it is possible

This is so huge! You must believe within your heart that you deserve the relationship and husband that you want. When this happens, you will not let anything, or anyone get in the way. When those men come along that are not husband material and not meeting your standards, you won't have any regrets because you know your King awaits. There will be experiences and people that will make you have self-doubt, this can only last but for 30 seconds, because you have the belief system that is unshakable. Be bold, courageous, and confident. This will stop you from making huge mistakes and allow you to stick to the plan.

Let him search

Listen a man- a real man, knows what he wants, and he will not stop until he gets it. Often the question is how will you know it is the right one- it won't be hard, it will be easy. There won't be a chase, they will be present and accounted for. The thought of losing you would be a crisis to them, and you will feel the same. Things will feel natural. You will be willing to compromise, make changes, and accept challenges. A real man wants you to grow and will help to push you as well as comfort you.

Hold out! It will be worth the wait!


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